
This is a small, personal collection of resources to help you start learning to code. Instead of having most of them open tabs, I prefer to have them all on a page and share them.

This list will be updated periodically.

Technical Websites

They help you get started, although some have advanced concepts

  1. Google’s Tech Dev Guide
  2. The Odin Project
  3. Frontend Masters Bootcamp
  4. CSX Structured JavaScript Learning Journey
  5. freeCodeCamp
  6. MDN Web Docs
  7. Full-stack Open
  8. Front-end web developer

Specialized Learning

  1. Modern Developer Roadmaps
  2. Learn Kubernetes Online
  3. Technical Writing Courses for Engineers
  4. Developer Security Training – Snyk Learn
  5. Cockroach University
  6. Redis University
  7. MongoDB University
  8. LinkedIn School of SRE
  9. Zapier: An Introduction to APIs
  10. Contentful: Learn GraphQL
  11. Learn@GitLab
  12. Learn Nagios
  13. How They SRE
  14. PHP Internals Book
  15. Learn GraphQL with Apollo
  16. The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
  17. WordPress Development
  18. Learn Go
  19. Learn Node
  20. Learn Next.js
  21. ClickHouse Learn
  22. KubeAcademy
  23. LangChain AI Handbook
  24. Foundations of Machine Learning – Bloomberg
  25. Elements of AI
  26. Building AI
  27. Prompt Engineering Guide
  28. Learn Prompting
  29. Practical Deep Learning for Coders
  30. Google Machine Learning Education
  31. AI in Society
  32. Data Analysis with Python
  33. Rust and the Future of Systems Programming – Mozilla
  34. DevOps with Kubernetes
  35. DevOps with Docker
  36. Google Cloud Skills Boost
  37. Learn SQL – SQLBolt
  38. Python Programming
  39. From Python to Numpy

Engineering Blogs

These are blogs maintained by popular apps/products/services

  1. Uber Engineering Blog
  2. Engineering @ Twitter
  3. Strava Engineering
  4. Spotify Labs
  5. SoundCloud Engineering
  6. Algolia Engineering
  7. Airbnb Engineering
  8. Netflix Techblog
  9. Yoast Dev Blog
  10. Google Developer Blog
  11. RedHat Developer
  12. Facebook Engineering
  13. Quora Engineering
  14. Pinterest Engineering
  15. Lyft Engineering
  16. Salesforce Engineering
  17. Blackrock Engineering
  18. Dropbox Tech Blog
  19. Twilio Blog
  20. Auth0 Blog
  21. Medium Engineering
  22. Cloudflare Blog
  23. Slack Engineering
  24. Docker Engineering
  25. The Andela Way
  26. Databricks Engineering
  27. All Things Distributed


  1. Changelog
  2. The Pragmatic Engineer


  1. Your Guide to Email Infrastructure – Build It or Buy It? by Sendgrid
  2. Site Reliability Engineering – Google
  3. The Site Reliability Workbook – Google


  1. The freeCodeCamp Podcast
  2. forLoop Pod
  3. CodeNewbie Podcast
  4. Base.cs Podcast
  6. CodePen Radio
  7. Changelog Podcast

NB: Inactive podcasts with golden content


  1. 30 seconds of code
  2. Dash for macOS
  3. JavaScript in 14 minutes
  4. Interactive Typescript
  5. Go by Example
  6. DigitalOcean Community
  7. @Scale

Coding Competitions

  1. Google’s Coding Competitions [Discontinued – check the archive instead]
  2. Facebook Coding Competitions
  3. Yandex Cup
  4. Quora Programming Challenge


Do not forget to:

Just ship it!

– Unknown/Everyone

Finally: Featured Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash